
oh ! my face .

my friends said my face like minho .:Oh my god:( is true ? . . haha . . look and see . judge yourself .
what do u think ? =P


football fever

WC comeback again . . i hope italy win the world cup again . . tapi sebaliknye italy maen x bagus la tahun ni so kenelah pilih 2nd team iaitu netherland . . rase best pulak WC thn nie coz aq akhirnya memiliki jersey netherland yg prtama dlm seumur hidup aq < excited beb . . tapi jersey 2 x fit mcm yg aq inginkan . tpi selamat smart baju uh walaupun dulu aq x suke pkai jersey coz jersey buat aq brpeluh =.='. . sbnrnye aq nk amek home jersey colour oren tpi malang stok x de so kenelah beli yg away jersey . tpi mmg best ar jersey 2 . . ITALY & NETHERLAND/HOLLAND GO! GO! GO! . .


friend + balloons

friends are like balloons , once u let them go , u might not get them back .
sometimes i am so busy with my own life and the problems that i might not even realize and let them fly away .
sometimes i am so stuck in one right and one wrong .
sometimes i did not realize what real friendship means to disrupt the mind .
i do not want to let things happen so i'll tie you to my heart so i never lose u again .

back to malay !
thanks to syard sbb kasi pinjam buku bi kt aq coz x siap exercise cuti terancang (maklumlah org kadang2 malas) X) . . slamat teacher kami same bole la copy paste wakaka . .


k-pop madness

Haha . . i don't know how can i explain about this music . but i know it is very interesting . talking about k-pop . everyone knows . i love k-pop since i am friends with someone 'u do not need to know who he is . XD . . i do not know why i love k-pop . . sometimes i hear the same songs over and over again until i get memorize the lyrics and dance styles . . i think this is said to be madness of k-pop . . xp .


Trip at Rumah Syard

12 June 2010 : haha . . peh arituh lepak umah syard mmg best laa . . aq dgn penatnya balek dri genting teros syard sms suroh tido rumah die pulak . . time 2 mmg penat tpi pikir2 balek mcm best er , pas2 sms la jabear sekali . . time smpi dpn umah bear syard ajak kitorang g pasar . . time kt pasar uh syard nk carik CD cetak rompak yg bertajuk 'Child Play' fuh . . terlintas difikiran biar betol die ni . syard ni da la penakot pas2 tertibe nk tngok cite ngeri cam2 . sampai kt kedai CD uh syard x boleh bela bole plak lupe bwk dompet die . so kene pakai duet bear . pas2 kitorang balek ar umah syard . plan nk tngok citer uh mlm uh tpi x sempat . aq ngan bear tuka plan ar , bear maen 'PS2' sorang2 aq lak g on9 kt laptop syard . pas2 bear tengah syok layan FIFA10 , aq ngan syard pon berborak n aq kasi tau rahsia besa aq kt die . dlm pukol 2pm cam2 syard tido . tinggal aq ngan bear jew , tepat 2.30pm aq lepak luar ngan bear tengok WC Eng vs USA . bear bengang jew time uh Eng kalah . time kitorang tngah khusyuk tengok daddy syard keluar dri bilik terkejot bear lalu melompat utk mnyorok . wakaka lol ar bear nie . .

13 June 2010 : aq lah org yg terawl bngon antara kitorang . pas2 sdp dorang tido sakit pulak perot aq < ni pasal mkn mcD byk sngat la ni . aq kejot syard utk usha line aq nk g toilet . pas2 x yah tau laa . . jabear pon bangon tengok rumah da kosong family syard da kuar . . kitorang pon enjoy ar g beli nasi lemak pas2 minum air 100plus + Sprite , lol pagi2 minum air gas. . pas2 kitorang tengok citer 'Child Play' episod 1-5 . . ngeri siot cite uh . . syard la org paling takot . aq time citer uh play je mesti aq trtido pas2 tnye kt dorang ending die camne ? . wakaka < maklumlah penat g genting x abes lagi . . kitorang tngok citer uh drpd pagi smpi petang . . lps tngok citer uh bear pulak ajak maen monopoly . . huh memule kekalahan trselah dimuka jabear coz die asyik x bernasib baik je . . lps 10 minit maen kekalahan adalah aq sbb asyik keluar duet je last2 muflis , wakaka . . sdp dok maen family syard balek sudah kalang kabot aq ngan bear lari g bilik syard . coz family die kate balek time midnight last time pkol 7.30pm da balek . . haha . pas2 bear wat keputusan balek umah ngan aq . . boleh kate best ar kem kt umah syard .

Thanks Syard for everything . . :p

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