
Happy Line

bam ! bom ! bam ! bom !
itu bunyi dari dewan sekolah semalam
kenapa bunye macam itu ?
sebab semalam ade jamuan kelab kebudayaan.
best la juga tpi yg mcm boring sikit.
semalam macam private party pulak sebab org
tak la ramai sangat.
baju formal dengan hi-top dikaki :) 1st time pki hi-top
semua form5 pki baju konco dah mcm nk graduate U da.
lepas tu jln kt karpet merah mcm VIP xD
amik kotak sijil dri pengetua pastu posing dpn photog ;D
lps tu buka baju konvo then makan nasi lemak
abis je nasi lemak baru lah nk merasa 2 suap spegatti dah
kene panggil suro perfome , goodbye spegetti T__T
dgn perut yg full of food kene dance .
maintanence lame gile baru nk start lagu =='
best part of the party kami dance dengan lagu korea :D
lucifer , i'll be back , soom , mystery , shock , beriboom
aq paling semangat sbb teruja gila nk tunjuk kt audience
dgn org sorak2 peh hampir nk jdi gila xDDD
part last of dance lagu beriboom kena buat style gedik xD
sume org gelak habis jee , hahaha
da abes perform lpk bawah dan lupa nk amik lucky draw T-T
usha video 3senior production buat peh rasa sebah di dada
dengan lagu sedih baru terasa tahun last adalah tahun kami nk bla
dri sekolah . mesti rindu gile kt sekolah lps graduate . waaaa
after 1.30pm time to crazy moment , band perform da mcm kt gigs
kitorng naek kt pentas pastu buat kecoh , hahaha
sempat snap dgn fan2 xDD pastu kemas dewan sikit.
masa untuk balik sampai je rumah katil adalah destinasi pertama
untuk pergi :DDD

little pic . the red kemeja is me :DD



pergghh . . at friday , 12 oct 2010
kene melawan rasa mual perut pada pkol 2.30am
x tau ape nk buat takot klau tido termuntah usha
funniest pets & people da abis gelak on pc online
usha online friend hanya nmpk shah nadhir and
yang laen x berape rapat so im la jap ngan die.
dlm pkol 4am bosan dgn online tido and bangun
pkol 5.30am nk pegi skola muntah lagi kt bilik air.
walaupon x sihat dtg jugak skola, kat skola rase down
nk buat ape pon malas pastu teguk 100plus sambil
tengok form3 main futsal baru semangat sikit.

malam ni benci betul : i gonna fuck myself
tertido pukol 7.30pm lps tu terjaga pkol 11pm
1st perkara yg dibuat check fon alert pehhhhh
4 massage and 1 miss call , shit . sume msg terangkan
topik same iaitu lepak . malam ni miss dance practice
dance i'll be back , soom , shock mmg best tpi ter'miss' pulak
OMG ! rase benci gile bile da terlebih tido sume bnde miss.
mungkin perlu belajar cara tido dgn teratur



baru saja pulih dari demam :)
due hari ponteng skola n duduk rumah
mmg sesuatu yang membosankan.
kelmarin lepas je study group terus
goreng mi segera pastu terus tido
dalam 3.45am terjaga perut rasa x selesa
n nak muntah tpi buat slumber n teros tidor.
pepagi pkol 6am ingat nak pegi skola pastu
rase mcm x sihat n muntah depan pc x sempat
pegi toilet, slamat pc x ade ape2.
pagi tu rase berat gile badan naik gile dibuatnye
semua aktiviti pada malam semalam x dpt join.
mlm tu dlm pkol 11pm tengah tido dgn nyenyak
ade org pulak spoil, tah sape call n x bagitau name.
tadi lepak dpn pc usha video dance n dance sekali XD
teruja dangan dance B2ST soom n 2PM i'll be back


suck my kiss :D

yeah , i'm comeback , this is brand new adel :D < x ade keje
ahaha . lepak rumah tagami dgn jojeong usha prank kt Ytube
smbil usha lagu SOOM by B2ST smbil dance n dorng pon ikot ,
pas2 tagami nk rape adel . adel berkate 'suck my kiss tagami' ahahaha
tagami x paham n die ckp 'kau punye BI kau sorang jee fhm' =='
adel baru lepas trial exam , pehhh , bru trial da kene
bangon 3-5 pagi utk study , itu pon kenkadang off fon alarm
and tido balek smpai pkol 6 , pas2 kat skola mule laa nk study
n masok dlm otak sikit2 jee . klau spm x tau la 2-5 pagi kot kene
study , fuhh mmg susah hidup ini . ari isnin paper acc and ari ahad
lepak umah mmbe n jmpe sorng mmbe dgn muke berparut
it's a nobita , he just failed to dance and her face now ugly :D
study group = useless :p bknnye study tpi gosip :p snap gmbr
jacob with shirtless n agger with banana at his hand , ahaha
and now time to sleep sambil mp3 mendendangkan lagu
' I need a Girl n Breath ' :D


Be a man

today is tuesday :D
i just back from birthday party
it's not have many people but i enjoy it
i love the craby patty (burger) n lolipop
i just finish 4 craby patty . fuh it's so superb
and what important thing i want to share is
naz just give me motivate about how to be a gentleman.
y he motivate me ? Actually i ask him y he can get gf easily.
this is what he said about me at that night
he said i looks like not gentleman and he mean i looks
a gay . ohh noo ! i'm not like that but i think naz is true
i not looks like gentleman (i'm not a gay) .
he give me a critics about my style when
i walk and chat with others and
what he suggest is to hard to do but
if i don't do what naz said , i never ever
can get a gurlfie . forget it i want to be myself
without copying other people and i will try to
change myself . i want to be a gentleman :D


Vans of the Wall

let's get start
i just finish my 'puasa 6'
this is my 1st time i do that
i think it's good for me because
i can save money from buy a set of mcD
and i just looked at mudah.my a pair of shoes
it's awesome . it's Vans shoes , i know now
so many people started wear a pair of 'Supra'
but i looked at 'Supra' it's to high and i thinks
if i wear it i looked like 'phua chu kang' :D
and i need that Vans shoes and if i
wear that shoes i looked like skater
and it's so cool . i love this one <3i hope i can get one ! ! !



Yeay ! Aidilfitri sudah datang ! diri ini sudah bersedia untuk itu .

Ramadan tahun ini menyediakan banyak manfaat kepada diri ini yang
tidak mampu diolah oleh kata-kata , hanya diri ini yang merasakannya .

Diri ini disini ingin merakamkan banyak-banyak terima kasih
kepada rakan-rakan yang membuatkan ramadan kali ini lebih meriah .

Dan dengan kesempatan yang ada saya ingin tujukan kepada
sesiapa yang mengenali diri ini , diri ini ingin memohon 1000 kali
kemaafan dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki jika terkasar bahasa ,
tersilap kata , tersinggung perasaan , dan lain - lain .

Diharap kalian dapat manfaat daripada ramadan kali ini ,
pesanan dari diriku ini berhati - hati di jalanraya ketika pulang
ke kampung halaman . Yang tidak pulang ke kampung jangan
bersedih , yang penting kita dapat meraikan Aidilfitri ini dengan
gembira .

Pantun Dari Penulis Blog :

Pasang Pelita Di Aidilfitri , Nampak Halaman Berseri-seri ,
Blog diolah penganti diri
, Segala Silap Mohon Dimaafi .

Selamat Hari Raya AIDILFITRI Maaf Zahir & Batin

by : adel :D



she's so cute
funny , pretty
nice , wonderful
i mean
it's is girl
but not all girl


now until end

3 september
it's date of syard birthday
sorry i'm not with u on that day
hope u will happy with ur life
u are my truely friend
oh . i love that shirt (i love BBQ)


killer on board

aidilfitri coming ! is it fun ?
SPM trial coming soon after 'raya'
it's not a good news .
i must study at aidilfitri ,
but i don't know how to start it .
it's like silence killer .
somebody help me ! ! !



nmpk mcm da lme x sentuh je bende 'alah' ni . maklumlah intenet x menentu kejap ade kejap x . haish tension gile dgn sis aq ni suroh byr b.band x nk last2 aq sendiri kene byr katenye 'kau main kau bayar la' . haha padan muke aq . spm pon nk dkt pisang beb =.=' . k bye . keep in touch .


chapter 2

last night , i have free time to read her blog . when i read all the content in her blog . i feel guilty . she is in trouble . urm , kesian dia . mungkin salah satu prob itu berpunca dri aq . sorry kawan , lps aq baca semua , i know u can be a good friend . i started to forget my feelings to u and we will continue to be friends . sorry buat masalah dlm hidup kaw . aq rasa kawan adalah relationship yg sesuai utk kita drpd relationship yg lebih dari kawan .



I reach toward the sky

finally i can express my feelings to someone.
but unfortunately i could only just be friends with her.:anongnangyari:

although her heart already belongs.
i still believe she is the best girl i ever knew.

thanks because accept me as ur friend.


oh ! my face .

my friends said my face like minho .:Oh my god:( is true ? . . haha . . look and see . judge yourself .
what do u think ? =P


football fever

WC comeback again . . i hope italy win the world cup again . . tapi sebaliknye italy maen x bagus la tahun ni so kenelah pilih 2nd team iaitu netherland . . rase best pulak WC thn nie coz aq akhirnya memiliki jersey netherland yg prtama dlm seumur hidup aq < excited beb . . tapi jersey 2 x fit mcm yg aq inginkan . tpi selamat smart baju uh walaupun dulu aq x suke pkai jersey coz jersey buat aq brpeluh =.='. . sbnrnye aq nk amek home jersey colour oren tpi malang stok x de so kenelah beli yg away jersey . tpi mmg best ar jersey 2 . . ITALY & NETHERLAND/HOLLAND GO! GO! GO! . .


friend + balloons

friends are like balloons , once u let them go , u might not get them back .
sometimes i am so busy with my own life and the problems that i might not even realize and let them fly away .
sometimes i am so stuck in one right and one wrong .
sometimes i did not realize what real friendship means to disrupt the mind .
i do not want to let things happen so i'll tie you to my heart so i never lose u again .

back to malay !
thanks to syard sbb kasi pinjam buku bi kt aq coz x siap exercise cuti terancang (maklumlah org kadang2 malas) X) . . slamat teacher kami same bole la copy paste wakaka . .


k-pop madness

Haha . . i don't know how can i explain about this music . but i know it is very interesting . talking about k-pop . everyone knows . i love k-pop since i am friends with someone 'u do not need to know who he is . XD . . i do not know why i love k-pop . . sometimes i hear the same songs over and over again until i get memorize the lyrics and dance styles . . i think this is said to be madness of k-pop . . xp .


Trip at Rumah Syard

12 June 2010 : haha . . peh arituh lepak umah syard mmg best laa . . aq dgn penatnya balek dri genting teros syard sms suroh tido rumah die pulak . . time 2 mmg penat tpi pikir2 balek mcm best er , pas2 sms la jabear sekali . . time smpi dpn umah bear syard ajak kitorang g pasar . . time kt pasar uh syard nk carik CD cetak rompak yg bertajuk 'Child Play' fuh . . terlintas difikiran biar betol die ni . syard ni da la penakot pas2 tertibe nk tngok cite ngeri cam2 . sampai kt kedai CD uh syard x boleh bela bole plak lupe bwk dompet die . so kene pakai duet bear . pas2 kitorang balek ar umah syard . plan nk tngok citer uh mlm uh tpi x sempat . aq ngan bear tuka plan ar , bear maen 'PS2' sorang2 aq lak g on9 kt laptop syard . pas2 bear tengah syok layan FIFA10 , aq ngan syard pon berborak n aq kasi tau rahsia besa aq kt die . dlm pukol 2pm cam2 syard tido . tinggal aq ngan bear jew , tepat 2.30pm aq lepak luar ngan bear tengok WC Eng vs USA . bear bengang jew time uh Eng kalah . time kitorang tngah khusyuk tengok daddy syard keluar dri bilik terkejot bear lalu melompat utk mnyorok . wakaka lol ar bear nie . .

13 June 2010 : aq lah org yg terawl bngon antara kitorang . pas2 sdp dorang tido sakit pulak perot aq < ni pasal mkn mcD byk sngat la ni . aq kejot syard utk usha line aq nk g toilet . pas2 x yah tau laa . . jabear pon bangon tengok rumah da kosong family syard da kuar . . kitorang pon enjoy ar g beli nasi lemak pas2 minum air 100plus + Sprite , lol pagi2 minum air gas. . pas2 kitorang tengok citer 'Child Play' episod 1-5 . . ngeri siot cite uh . . syard la org paling takot . aq time citer uh play je mesti aq trtido pas2 tnye kt dorang ending die camne ? . wakaka < maklumlah penat g genting x abes lagi . . kitorang tngok citer uh drpd pagi smpi petang . . lps tngok citer uh bear pulak ajak maen monopoly . . huh memule kekalahan trselah dimuka jabear coz die asyik x bernasib baik je . . lps 10 minit maen kekalahan adalah aq sbb asyik keluar duet je last2 muflis , wakaka . . sdp dok maen family syard balek sudah kalang kabot aq ngan bear lari g bilik syard . coz family die kate balek time midnight last time pkol 7.30pm da balek . . haha . pas2 bear wat keputusan balek umah ngan aq . . boleh kate best ar kem kt umah syard .

Thanks Syard for everything . . :p

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