

pergghh . . at friday , 12 oct 2010
kene melawan rasa mual perut pada pkol 2.30am
x tau ape nk buat takot klau tido termuntah usha
funniest pets & people da abis gelak on pc online
usha online friend hanya nmpk shah nadhir and
yang laen x berape rapat so im la jap ngan die.
dlm pkol 4am bosan dgn online tido and bangun
pkol 5.30am nk pegi skola muntah lagi kt bilik air.
walaupon x sihat dtg jugak skola, kat skola rase down
nk buat ape pon malas pastu teguk 100plus sambil
tengok form3 main futsal baru semangat sikit.

malam ni benci betul : i gonna fuck myself
tertido pukol 7.30pm lps tu terjaga pkol 11pm
1st perkara yg dibuat check fon alert pehhhhh
4 massage and 1 miss call , shit . sume msg terangkan
topik same iaitu lepak . malam ni miss dance practice
dance i'll be back , soom , shock mmg best tpi ter'miss' pulak
OMG ! rase benci gile bile da terlebih tido sume bnde miss.
mungkin perlu belajar cara tido dgn teratur



baru saja pulih dari demam :)
due hari ponteng skola n duduk rumah
mmg sesuatu yang membosankan.
kelmarin lepas je study group terus
goreng mi segera pastu terus tido
dalam 3.45am terjaga perut rasa x selesa
n nak muntah tpi buat slumber n teros tidor.
pepagi pkol 6am ingat nak pegi skola pastu
rase mcm x sihat n muntah depan pc x sempat
pegi toilet, slamat pc x ade ape2.
pagi tu rase berat gile badan naik gile dibuatnye
semua aktiviti pada malam semalam x dpt join.
mlm tu dlm pkol 11pm tengah tido dgn nyenyak
ade org pulak spoil, tah sape call n x bagitau name.
tadi lepak dpn pc usha video dance n dance sekali XD
teruja dangan dance B2ST soom n 2PM i'll be back


suck my kiss :D

yeah , i'm comeback , this is brand new adel :D < x ade keje
ahaha . lepak rumah tagami dgn jojeong usha prank kt Ytube
smbil usha lagu SOOM by B2ST smbil dance n dorng pon ikot ,
pas2 tagami nk rape adel . adel berkate 'suck my kiss tagami' ahahaha
tagami x paham n die ckp 'kau punye BI kau sorang jee fhm' =='
adel baru lepas trial exam , pehhh , bru trial da kene
bangon 3-5 pagi utk study , itu pon kenkadang off fon alarm
and tido balek smpai pkol 6 , pas2 kat skola mule laa nk study
n masok dlm otak sikit2 jee . klau spm x tau la 2-5 pagi kot kene
study , fuhh mmg susah hidup ini . ari isnin paper acc and ari ahad
lepak umah mmbe n jmpe sorng mmbe dgn muke berparut
it's a nobita , he just failed to dance and her face now ugly :D
study group = useless :p bknnye study tpi gosip :p snap gmbr
jacob with shirtless n agger with banana at his hand , ahaha
and now time to sleep sambil mp3 mendendangkan lagu
' I need a Girl n Breath ' :D


Be a man

today is tuesday :D
i just back from birthday party
it's not have many people but i enjoy it
i love the craby patty (burger) n lolipop
i just finish 4 craby patty . fuh it's so superb
and what important thing i want to share is
naz just give me motivate about how to be a gentleman.
y he motivate me ? Actually i ask him y he can get gf easily.
this is what he said about me at that night
he said i looks like not gentleman and he mean i looks
a gay . ohh noo ! i'm not like that but i think naz is true
i not looks like gentleman (i'm not a gay) .
he give me a critics about my style when
i walk and chat with others and
what he suggest is to hard to do but
if i don't do what naz said , i never ever
can get a gurlfie . forget it i want to be myself
without copying other people and i will try to
change myself . i want to be a gentleman :D


Vans of the Wall

let's get start
i just finish my 'puasa 6'
this is my 1st time i do that
i think it's good for me because
i can save money from buy a set of mcD
and i just looked at mudah.my a pair of shoes
it's awesome . it's Vans shoes , i know now
so many people started wear a pair of 'Supra'
but i looked at 'Supra' it's to high and i thinks
if i wear it i looked like 'phua chu kang' :D
and i need that Vans shoes and if i
wear that shoes i looked like skater
and it's so cool . i love this one <3i hope i can get one ! ! !